Monday, October 4, 2010


I don't think everyone understands and appreciates the true joy of the printmaking process. The smell and feel of everything, whether it's wood or linoleum, both are exquisite. And the sound, oh the sizzling sound and distinctive scent of the ink, truly blissful. The thing with printing is you never really know what you've got until that first print is pulled, throughout the entire process it's cloaked in some kind of secrecy that only the materials know and won't divulge until the end, but when you find out it is so worth the wait.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Works in Progress

Now that the rain has lifted and the temperature is currently bearable, my boyfriend and I enjoyed the afternoon downtown for the city's riverfest. Despite the array of foods and vendors, no money was spent there, though now that I'm late night hungry I do find myself wishing for one of those funnel cakes.
I did find a new wallet at a local store that called to me:

Even though my back is hurting from being hunched over drawing and carving blocks. I am tentatively allowing myself to feel accomplished at having completed 3 blocks but quite honestly lack the strength to print them tonight. However, they WILL be printed tomorrow, yes they will.

So now, with an afternoon at the dog park and an evening of printing planned, I will scour my cabinets and hopefully be able to get some sleep.

Friday, October 1, 2010

An Enthusiastic Start

My brain has always been a tornado of ideas, many of them ridiculous and impractical, but they're there nonetheless. The only problem seems to be that I want to do them all at the same time, which leads to things to going from an enthusiastic start to a "I'll make a plan later" fizzle. Thus, I usually find myself surrounded with an array of unfinished projects that I always assume I will one day get to. 
I can procrastinate like no other, I can always find an excuse to put things off until later and though these persuasive talents are surely invaluable for some pursuits, I am finding them bothersome for my current ones. So, at the end of this beyond rainy day after a much needed 2.5 hour phone talk with a good friend and a phone call from my daddy just to see how I am, I've decided that perhaps I can try to hold my self responsible via web and am, as usual, giving it an enthusiastic start.

Water being collected at the end of my driveway(we've apparently gotten 22 in):
And my poor pup not wanting to go in the rain to use the bathroom:

As for me, I am a recent studio art graduate and in this current time there aren't that many jobs around for a person like me. So, like so many others, I am trying to pursue my own interests while I search for a more practical way to make the ends meet. I love relief printmaking, particularly on a larger scale, but am also getting into paper art. I like the idea of combining the 2d and 3d mediums. I want to make fun, interesting, affordable art, we'll see.